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svom mjestu hodati sa pistojem za pojasu - 2.amamndman ustava (americkog)
Guarantees Of The Right To Arms In State Constitutions
That the great, general and essential principles of liberty and free
government may be recognized and established, we declare.... That every
citizen has a right to bear arms in defense of himself and the state. (Art.
I, § 26) (1819)
A well-regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free
state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.
The individual right to keep and bear arms shall not be denied or infringed
by the State or a political subdivision of the State. (Art. I, § 19) (1994;
previous version 1959)
The right of the individual citizen to bear arms in defense of himself
or the State shall not be impaired, but nothing in this section shall be
construed as authorizing individuals or corporations to organize, maintain
or employ an armed body of men. (Art. II, § 26) (1912)
The citizens of this State shall have the right to keep and bear arms
for their common defense. (Art. II, § 5) (1868; previous versions 1864,
1861, 1836)
The right of no person to keep and bear arms in defense of his home,
person and property, or in aid of the civil power when thereto legally
summoned, shall be called in question; but nothing herein contained shall be
construed to justify the practice of carrying concealed weapons. (Art. II, §
13) (1876)
Every citizen has a right to bear arms in defense of himself and the
state. (Art. I, § 15) (1818)
A person has the right to keep and bear arms for the defense of self,
family, home and State, and for hunting and recreational use. (Art. I, § 20)
The right of the people to keep and bear arms in defense of themselves
and of the lawful authority of the state shall not be infringed, except that
the manner of bearing arms may be regulated by law. (Art. I, § 8, [a])
(1990; previous versions 1968, 1885, 1868, 1838)
The right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed,
but the General Assembly shall have the power to prescribe the manner in
which arms may be borne. (1982 Constitution, Art. I, § 1, para. 8) (1982;
previous versions 1877, 1868, 1865)
A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free
state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.
(Art. I, § 15) (1959)
The people have the right to keep and bear arms, which right shall not
be abridged; but this provision shall not prevent the passage of laws to
govern the carrying of weapons concealed on the person nor prevent passage
of legislation providing minimum sentences for crimes committed while in
possession of a firearm, nor prevent passage of legislation providing
penalties for the possession of firearms by a convicted felon, nor prevent
the passage of legislation punishing the use of a firearm. No law shall
impose licensure, registration or special taxation on the ownership or
possession of firearms or ammunition. Nor shall any law permit the
confiscation of firearms, except those actually used in the commission of a
felony. (Art. I, § 11) (1978; previous version 1889)
Subject only to the police power, the right of the individual citizen
to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed. (Art. I, § 22) (1970)
The people shall have a right to bear arms, for the defense of
themselves and the State. (Art. I, § 32) (1851; previous version, 1816)
The people have the right to bear arms for their defense and security;
but standing armies, in time of peace, are dangerous to liberty, and shall
not be tolerated, and the military shall be in strict subordination to the
civil power. (Bill of Rights, § 4) (1859) Note: In the 2010 general
election, the people of Kansas will have the opportunity to strenghen the
right to keep and bear arms provision of thier constitution by changing the
first part of the provision to read: "A person has the right to keep and
bear arms for the defense of self, family, home and state, for lawful
hunting and recreational use, and for any other lawful purpose;" (The full
language can be read here.)
All men are, by nature, free and equal, and have certain inherent and
inalienable rights, among which may be reckoned: ... [t]he right to bear
arms in defense of themselves and of the state, subject to the power of the
general assembly to enact laws to prevent persons from carrying concealed
weapons. (Bill of Rights, § 1) (1891; previous versions 1850, 1799)
The right of each citizen to keep and bear arms shall not be abridged,
but this provision shall not prevent the passage of laws to prohibit the
carrying of weapons concealed on the person. (Art. I, § 11) (1974; previous
version 1879)
Every person has a right to keep and bear arms and this right shall
never be questioned. (Art. I, § 16)(1987; previous version 1819)
The people have a right to keep and bear arms for the common defence.
And as, in time of peace, armies are dangerous to liberty, they ought not to
be maintained without the consent of the legislature; and the military power
shall always be held in an exact subordination to the civil authority, and
be governed by it. (Part I, Art. XVII) (1780)
Every person has a right to keep or bear arms for the defense of
himself and the State. (Art. I, § 6) (1963; previous versions 1850, 1835)
The right of every citizen to keep and bear arms in defense of his
home, person, or property, or in aid of the civil power when thereto legally
summoned, shall not be called in question, but the legislature may regulate
or forbid carrying concealed weapons. (Art. III, § 12) (1890; previous
versions 1868, 1817)
That the right of every citizen to keep and bear arms in defense of
his home, person, and property, or when lawfully summoned in aid of the
civil power, shall not be questioned; but this shall not justify the wearing
of concealed weapons. (Art. I, § 23) (1945; previous versions 1875, 1865,
The right of any person to keep or bear arms in defense of his own
home, person, and property, or in aid of the civil power when thereto
legally summoned, shall not be called in question; but nothing herein
contained shall be held to permit the carrying of concealed weapons. (Art.
II, § 12)
Militia forces shall consist of all able-bodied citizens of the state
except those excepted by law. (Art. VI, § 14) (1889)
All persons are by nature free and independent, and have certain
inherent and inalienable rights; among these are life, liberty, the pursuit
of happiness, and the right to keep and bear arms for security or defense of
self, family, home and others, and for lawful common defense, hunting,
recreational use and all other lawful purposes, and such rights shall not be
denied or infringed by the state or any subdivision thereof. (Art. I, § 1)
Every citizen has the right to keep and bear arms for security and
defense, for lawful hunting and recreational use and for other lawful
purposes. (Art. I, § 11, [1]) (1982)
New Hampshire
All persons have the right to keep and bear arms in defense of
themselves, their families, their property and the state. (Part I, Art. 2a)
No person, who is conscientiously scrupulous about the lawfulness of
bearing arms, shall be compelled thereto. (Part I, Art. 13) (1982)
New Mexico
No law shall abridge the right of the citizen to keep and bear arms
for security and defense, for lawful hunting and recreational use and for
other lawful purposes, but nothing herein shall be held to permit the
carrying of concealed weapons. No municipality or county shall regulate in
any way, an incident of the right to keep and bear arms. (Art. II, § 6)
(1986; previous versions 1971, 1912)
North Carolina
A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free
State, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed;
and, as standing armies in time of peace are dangerous to liberty, they
shall not be maintained, and the military shall be kept under strict
subordination to, and governed by, the civil power. Nothing herein shall
justify the practice of carrying concealed weapons, or prevent the General
Assembly from enacting penal statutes against that practice. (Art. I, § 30)
(1971; previous versions 1876, 1868, 1776)
North Dakota
All individuals are by nature equally free and independent and have
certain inalienable rights, among which are those of enjoying and defending
life and liberty; acquiring, possessing and protecting property and
reputation; pursuing and obtaining safety and happiness; and to keep and
bear arms for the defense of their person, family, property, and the state,
and for lawful hunting, recreational and other lawful purposes, which shall
not be infringed. (Art. I, § 1) (1984)
The people have the right to bear arms for their defense and security;
but standing armies, in time of peace, are dangerous to liberty, and shall
not be kept up; and the military shall be in strict subordination to the
civil power. (Art. I, §4) (1851; previous version 1802)
The right of a citizen to keep and bear arms in defense of his home,
person or property, or in aid of the civil power, when thereunto legally
summoned, shall never be prohibited; but nothing herein contained shall
prevent the Legislature from regulating the carrying of weapons. (Art. II, §
26) (1907)
The people shall have the right to bear arms for the defence of
themselves, and the State, but the Military shall be kept in strict
subordination to the civil power. (Art. I, § 27) (1857)
The right of the citizens to bear arms in defence of themselves and
the State shall not be questioned. (Art. I, § 21) (1790)
Rhode Island
The right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.
(Art. I, § 22) (1842)
South Carolina
A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free
State, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.
As, in times of peace, armies are dangerous to liberty, they shall not be
maintained without the consent of the General Assembly. The military power
of the State shall always be held in subordination to the civil authority
and be governed by it. No soldier shall in time of peace be quartered in any
house without the consent of the owner nor in time of war but in the manner
prescribed by law. (Art. I, § 20) (1895; previous version 1868)
South Dakota
The right of the citizens to bear arms in defense of themselves and
the state shall not be denied. (Art. VI, §24) (1889)
That the citizens of this State have a right to keep and bear arms for
their common defense; but the Legislature shall have power, by law, to
regulate the wearing of arms with a view to prevent crime. (Art. I, § 26)
(1870; previous versions 1834, 1796)
Every citizen shall have the right to keep and bear arms in lawful
defense of himself or the State; but the Legislature shall have power, by
law, to regulate the wearing of arms, with a view to prevent crime. (Art. I,
§ 23) (1876; previous versions 1868, 1845)
Note: The Texas Declaration of Independence stated that "[The Mexican
government] has demanded us to deliver up our arms, which are essential to
our defense-the rightful property of freemen-and formidable only to
tyrannical governments." The Republic of Texas Constitution of 1836 also
protected Texans' right to arms:
Every citizen shall have the right to bear arms in defence of himself
and the republic. The military shall at all times and in all cases be
subordinate to the civil power."
The individual right of the people to keep and bear arms for security
and defense of self, family, others, property, or the state as well as for
other lawful purposes shall not be infringed; but nothing herein shall
prevent the legislature from defining the lawful use of arms. (Art. I, § 6)
(1984; previous version 1895)
That the people have a right to bear arms for the defence of
themselves and the State-and as standing armies in time of peace are
dangerous to liberty, they ought not to be kept up; and that the military
should be kept under strict subordination to and governed by the civil
power. (Chapter I, Art. 16) (1777)
That a well regulated militia, composed of the body of the people,
trained to arms, is the proper, natural and safe defense of a free state,
therefore, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be
infringed; that standing armies, in time of peace, should be avoided as
dangerous to liberty; and that in all cases the military should be under
strict subordination to, and governed by, the civil power. (Art. I, § 13)
(1971; previous version 1776)
The right of the individual citizen to bear arms in defense of
himself, or the state, shall not be impaired, but nothing in this section
shall be construed as authorizing individuals or corporations to organize,
maintain or employ an armed body of men. (Art. I, § 24) (1889)
West Virginia
A person has the right to keep and bear arms for the defense of self,
family, home, and state, and for lawful hunting and recreational use. (Art.
3, § 22) (1986)
The people have the right to keep and bear arms for security, defense,
hunting, recreation, or any other lawful purpose. (Art. 1, § 25) (1998;
approved by a 3:1 margin among Wisconsin voters)
The right of the citizens to bear arms in defense of themselves and of
the state shall not be denied. (Art. I, § 24) (1889)
Other States
California, Iowa, Maryland, Minnesota, New Jersey, and New York do not
have "right to keep and bear arms" provisions in their state constitutions.
Two of those states have general provisions that protect a right to
defend life and liberty:
. Iowa`s constitution (Art. I, § 1) states: "All men are, by nature,
free and equal, and have certain inalienable rights-among which are those of
enjoying and defending life and liberty, acquiring, possessing and
protecting property, and pursuing and obtaining safety and happiness."
. New Jersey`s (Art. I, § 1) states: "All persons are by nature free
and independent, and have certain natural and unalienable rights, among
which are those of enjoying and defending life and liberty, of acquiring,
possessing, and protecting property, and of pursuing and obtaining safety,
and happiness."
Posted: 7/23/2007 12:00:00 AM